Why stop at cash and credit cards when you can also get paid via GrabPay, WeChat Pay, Maya, QR, and countless other emerging forms of payment?
Enjoy ultimate payment flexibility with a device that fits right in your pocket
“They’re very happy that we accept all additional sorts of payments. I think we also attracted a new set of customers to our stores through PayMaya. The younger sets because they are the ones who are technology savvy.”
Steve Benitez, CEO Bo's Coffee
“Maya’s solutions stand out in terms of truly understanding how the customers behave and how the business works. It’s convenient and straightforward. Everything is easy to integrate with current company practices.”
Mildred Castillo, Local Store Marketing Manager KFC
“For us, we have one partner that gives us one payment gateway for cashless; everything is available there, whether Mastercard, Visa, PayMaya, or even the QR code.”
- Margot Torres, Managing Director McDonald's Philippines
Enjoy easier money management and better security for all your transactions
Boost your online sales by doing business where your customers are
Take debit, credit, e-wallet, and other emerging forms of payment directly on your website or app
Merchant inquiries:
Maya is powered by the country's only end-to-end digital payments company Maya Philippines, Inc. and Maya Bank, Inc. for digital banking services. Maya Philippines, Inc. and Maya Bank, Inc. are regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.