Why Pay Cash When You Can Get BalikBayad with PayMaya

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Clean & Elegant
Fully Responsive

PayMaya, the country’s biggest prepaid online payment app, introduces a new way for users to get the best value out of their peso through its Balikbayad cashback promo. PayMaya offers a convenient way for people to purchase products and services online without the use of a credit card. A prepaid amount can be loaded on the app, which is used to pay for any online purchases the user makes. Balikbayad incentivizes PayMaya users who continue to adopt the app with the new cashback benefits that it now brings. 

Use the PayMaya App with Partner Merchants to Maximize Your Purchases

This promo epitomizes the company’s “Why Pay Cash When You Can PayMaya” tagline by rewarding their app users with a cashback rebate via online purchases with partner merchants. Customers can get a cashback reward of up to 100%, along with discounted rates for prepaid load and gaming pins. With the numerous merchants already included under PayMaya’s partner merchant list, those who avail of the Balikbayad promo can expect to get huge savings with each online purchase.

Watch Your Favorite Celebrity Couple KathNiel Promote PayMaya

Everybody’s favorite celebrity couple, Daniel Padilla and Kathryn Bernardo, will be teaming up to promote Paymaya’s Balikbayad initiative through a promotional campaign under the same title. The KathNiel PayMaya team-up will kick off with a movie-like promo and other similar campaign materials. Daniel Padilla posted a Tweet last February 4 with a sample promotional poster of the Balikbayad campaign. KathNiel fans should continue to keep an eye out for this latest project by the famous couple, who starred in big hits like The Hows of Us, Can’t Help Falling in Love, and Barcelona: A Love Untold.

About PayMaya

PayMaya Philippines, Inc. is a subsidiary of Voyager Innovations, which is considered the digital innovations arm of both PLDT and Smart. The company is primarily known as a third-party mobile and online payment platform and has established several well-known brands, including PayMaya, PayMaya Enterprise, and Smart Padala by PayMaya.

The PayMaya brand is the first prepaid online payment app in the country that facilitates any online purchases without the use of a credit card. PayMaya Enterprise, on the other hand, allows businesses to make remote card transactions and receive online payments through this service. Finally, Smart Padala by PayMaya is one of the biggest remittance networks in the country with over 15,000 agents ready to serve.

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KathNiel Balikbayad Campaign Highlights the Rewards of Using PayMaya

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PayMaya Teams Up With KathNiel to Promote Balikbayad Cashback Benefits

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