Now is the perfect time to check when you need to register your car with the LTO. Your schedule depends on the number on your license plate, which determines the specific month during which you have to apply.
For many, this requirement will come sooner than expected. Here’s a step-by-step guide which includes a shopping list to make sure you have everything you need before registering your car!
1. Know when to go
You will only be allowed to register your car within the month assigned to cars that share your plate number’s last digit, or the month prior.
2. Get tested for emissions
A dirty engine, along with connected car parts, results in bad emissions. An LTO test (or other licensed emissions center) is going to look for harmful chemicals in your exhaust.
Add engine-cleaning fluid to your gas tank on your next fill up so you have the best chances of your car passing the test. Remember to use fuel treatment designed for only either gasoline or diesel, whichever applies.
Photo courtesy of HERCO TRADING INC via Lazada
STP Complete Fuel System Cleaner 5.25 fl. oz. (Gasoline)
3. Prepare your Compulsory Third-Party Liability (CPTL) insurance
Sometimes, there are insurance providers present at the LTO branches to help you get a policy. We recommend you choose a provider you trust and secure your insurance documents before you go to get registered. It will save you time at the LTO.
Pick up an insurance policy with an online provider if you’re short on time. Here are a few reputable choices:
Paramount Life & General Insurance Corporation
CTPL – Compulsory Third Party Liability Car Insurance
Alliedbankers Insurance Corporation
Online CTPL – Alliedbankers Insurance Corporation
If you’re picking out insurance for the first time, has a comprehensive questionnaire to help you decide on the best insurance for you, whether that’s online or traditional.
4. Get an early warning device
Photo courtesy of Enrich your life via Lazada
The last step before you pay for your registration will be a car inspection by an official. He will look for your chassis and engine number, but may also check for an early warning device.
This is used to warn oncoming traffic in the event you are stopped and need roadside assistance. Get this one online:
Car Safety Emergency Reflective Warning Triangle
The last step in your registration will be payment, which you will have to do onsite. Keep all of your documents with you, especially your new Original Receipt of Registration.
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